The Wife You Know by Chad Zunker

The Wife You Know by Chad Zunker

Author:Chad Zunker [Zunker, Chad]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Thomas & Mercer
Published: 2024-02-27T00:00:00+00:00


The art gallery Kai Lin had started five years ago, according to a search on Google, was only a few blocks away, situated in a popular strip of other retail shops and art venues. The sign above the door said SAGE. It was fortunately still open when I got there. I walked inside through glass doors, finding white walls and displays covered with contemporary avant-garde paintings. Modern, pop, and street art. I only knew this because Ashley had been educating me on different art styles. I’d enjoyed getting more entrenched in her world. When she talked about art, her whole face lit up. And nothing pleased me more than seeing her come alive. Classical music played from speakers hidden somewhere above me. No one was currently in the gallery other than a man behind a white counter in the back corner. Wearing a sharp blue suit, he looked to be in his midthirties, with long black hair to his shoulders and stylish black spectacles. After spotting me, he came out from behind the counter and casually approached.

“Let me know if I can help you with anything,” he said.

“I’m hoping you can. But it’s not about art.”

His forehead bunched. “Okay.”

“I’m trying to find someone important to me. She used to live in Laguna Beach a few years ago.”

I pulled out my phone, selected a photo of Ashley, and showed it to him.

“Amy,” he said, his whole face smiling. “It’s Amy.”

“Why’re you smiling?”

“Because she was so delightful. Her hair is dark here. But she was a blonde when I knew her.”

I’d never seen Ashley as a blonde, not even in photos she had from before I knew her. She’d always had dark hair.

“Are you sure it’s the same person?”

“Oh, absolutely. Amy was unforgettable. She worked with us part-time for a couple of months. Seeing this photo makes me sad.”


“Because I never even got a chance to say goodbye to her, she moved away so fast. And I never heard from her again. I tried to find her a couple of times—you know, social media searches and whatnot—but I never could.”

“Why were you trying to find her?”

“For one, she was a sweetheart, and I missed her. But she was also very close with the owner of the gallery.”

“Kai Lin?”

He nodded. “Yes.”

That connected with what I already knew. At least there was some truth to what Ashley had told me. I refused to think of her as anyone other than Ashley. I did not know Amy—nor did I want to know her. I’d married Ashley.

“Do you remember her last name?” I asked.

His eyes narrowed on me. “She’s important to you, but you don’t know her last name?”

I forced a quick, disarming smile, trying not to look overly suspicious. But this guy calling my wife Amy had brought on a surge of adrenaline. I wanted more answers. And I wanted them fast. But I needed to be patient with my approach.

“It’s a little complicated,” I admitted. “She changed her name.”

“Really? Why? She had such a wonderful name—Amy Sundown.


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